Along the way, players will join forces with Kain the dragoon, Rosa the white mage, Rydia the summoner and many more skilled allies. In his search for the crystals, Cecil must travel over land, under the ground, to the Land of Summons and even to the moon. Distressed by his mission, Cecil, a dark knight and captain of the Red Wings, decides to fight against the tyrannical Baron with his trusted friend and his paramour at his side. In Final Fantasy IV, The Kingdom of Baron sends their elite airship fleet, the Red Wings, to attack the surrounding countries.

We have the full details below of what FF4 will come with when you purchase it. What's more, Square Enix is currently selling the bundle with 20% off, if you're looking to pick up everything released so far and what's to come. Now you can experience it with a ton of upgrades and other content on PC. One of the most classic stories in the entire franchise about love and betrayal, as most western players were introduced to this game as Final Fantasy II on the SNES, and served as an introduction to the series for those who never played the original NES title. Square Enix is releasing the next piece of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster set with Final Fantasy IV coming out on September 8th.